Where’s Taylor! I could see my aunt standing behind the big white door, her eyes scanning the room waiting for me to appear. I would open the door, point at her, say here I am! Then hide behind it again. The game would repeat. I would open the door, look at her, giggle, hide behind it, pop out, she’d say THERE SHE IS! For a two year old, this game could last an eternity.
Waiting to be found.
“Taylor and Chrissa please report to the front desk.” Staring up from behind the large TV box, I saw the large white speakers screaming our names. We were playing hide and go seek. We weren’t five anymore… we were nine. The look on my best friend’s face shouted embarrassment. I slid between the boxes we were playing hide and go seek in and popped out into the isle. Quickly, we ran to the front desk. A man with a large yellow and blue Best Buy name tag stopped us and asked our names. He took our hands and led us to my mother.
Others finding me.
The yellow blinding light shined into my slowly opening eyes. “Taylor, Taylor, Taylor, talk to me, do you know where you are?” I think. I pause. I feel a pain on the side of my face and a swelling on my brow. The blood pumps to my face. I think. I was sitting on that table and then… doctor was standing there… gave me HPV shot… I fell off the table… hit the ground. I think I know where I am. “I think I am in my doctor’s office… what happened?”
Trying to find me.
Itinerary for beautiful summer day: go to city and wander through the streets. Itinerary interrupted by angry friends.
Text: where are you at!
Text back: I am walking around the city because you guys were just standing there.
Call: Taylor! We are all here, why did you just leave us? We are supposed to stay in a group!
Response: I wanted to see what was on this street. I wanted to see city instead of just standing in it. I wanted to see what was over here.
Hang up.
Text: meet us back here... NOW. Do you know where we are? Are you lost?
Text back: I will be there. Yes, I know where you are… I know where I am.
I found me.